Article 1- In order to expand research and provide solutions in health care matters and in accordance with this statute, the Cellular and Molecular Research Center was agreed in principle to achieve the following goals.
     Article 2 - Objectives
    1- Development and application of human knowledge in the field of science
    2- Conducting basic epidemiological and clinical researches for correcting the opinion of providing health services in order to meet the needs of the Islamic society.
    3- Collecting, arranging and classifying relevant documents, articles and documents and publishing them
    4- Training of researcher human resources in the field
    5- The encouragement and employment of researchers
    6- Efforts to attract the attention and cooperation of relevant research and executive centers in the country
    7- Scientific cooperation with research and educational centers of other countries and international organizations in compliance with the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic Government of Iran 
    Article 3- The pillars of the centers are:
    A. The Supreme Council
    B- The head of the center
     Article 4- The members of the High Council of the Center are:
    1- President of the University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
    2- Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
    3- Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
    4- Head of the center
    5- Three faculty members of the center upon the proposal of the Head of the center and the approval of the president of the university
    Article 5 - The duties of the High Council of the Center are as follows:
    1- Approving the research policy of the center
    2- Approving cooperation plans with other universities and educational and research institutes inside and outside the country and international organizations in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations.
    3- Reviewing and approving the annual report of the center's activities
    4- Reviewing and approving the annual budget of the center within the limits of allocated credits and observing the legal criteria
    5- Approving the instructions related to the internal affairs of the Supreme Council and the executive instructions of the Research Center
    6- Proposing the organization of the center
    Note: The approvals of the high council of the center will be based on policies and guidelines and coordination with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
    Article 6- The President of the Center is appointed every four years upon the proposal of the High Council of the Center and the decree of the President of the University of Medical Sciences, and re-election is unrestricted.
    Article 7- Duties of the head of the center: is the highest executive authority of the center and acts within the limits of legal criteria and approvals of the Supreme Council to perform duties and actions.
     Article 8: Members of the Center: The Center has two types of members as follows:
    A) Associate members: who are full-time faculty members and experts of the center
    B) Affiliate members: who are faculty members of other departments of the University of Medical Sciences or other universities and institutions of higher education
     Article 9- Financial resources of the center:
    A) Revenues from the services of the center in accordance with legal regulations
    B) Assistance and gifts of natural and legal persons
    C) Government funds in case of allocation
    It is obvious that if according to the rules of the executive instructions, how to obtain a license to establish medical science research centers (governmental-non-governmental) and how to evaluate them, approved by the University Development Council on 2/30/81, the mentioned centers will not succeed in obtaining final approval. This statute will be ineffective.
    گروه دورانV6.1.9.0