Name: Cellular and Molecular Research Center of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
 Address: Qazvin, Shahid Bahonar Blvd, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.
 Starting date: The license to set up a basic medical sciences research center was issued on 2/6/85 by the vote of the Central Council of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.
   This center is an organization that was established in order to expand research, educational affairs and promote knowledge in basic medical sciences, and familiarizes researchers and medical students with the latest achievements and progress, especially in the basic medical departments and provide solutions in health and medical matters to achieve the following goals and its location was considered in the building of basic sciences of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. This center, with the repeated following-up of the director of the center and the esteemed research vice chancellor of the university (on 10/8/88), succeeded in obtaining a principled agreement from the Council for the Development of Medical Universities and began its work as the Cellular and Molecular Research Center of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.
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